Summertime is a fantastic time to be in Arizona and there are many cool places to escape to during the hot summer months.
But is your boat ready for a long vacation or even a quick weekend excursion?

Use the following checklist to make sure:

1. Does your boat and trailer have current registration? Nothing spoils a good trip like getting stopped by Game & Fish or DPS for expired registration.

2. Make sure your trailer is in tip top condition. Some things to check out;
• Are all your lights in working order?
• Have you checked your wheel bearing to make sure they’re lubricated?
• Have you checked your tires? Things to look for: they’re inflated properly, have good tread and no sign of dry rot.
• Also, when was the last time you checked the air pressure in your spare tire?

3. Don’t forget about your safety equipment. Are they all up to date and in good working order? Lifejackets, ropes, flares, tires, etc.

4. Enjoy yourself!


Please note the following before booking:

*Appointments are setup for a maximum of 2 transactions. If additional work is required, please book additional appointments or contact our offices for additional assistance.

*Please book separate appointments for driver license/ ID and vehicle transactions.

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Book an appointment with Footework Auto License and Title Service