A new traffic signal will go live on Thursday, minimal impacts are expected to affect traffic flow between 6AM and Noon.
Drivers traveling on State Route 69 and Main Street in Humboldt (milepost 279) will have a new traffic signal on Thursday (July 28). Drivers are encouraged to be aware of the new traffic signal and adhere to the new traffic control change.
This $329,000 project consists of installation of new traffic signal system, construction of new sidewalk, sidewalk ramps, pavement markings and drainage improvements.
ADOT works to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but there is a possibility that unscheduled closures or restrictions may occur. Weather can also affect a project schedule. To stay up-to-date with the latest highway conditions around the state, visit the ADOT Traveler Information Center at www.az511.gov or call 5-1-1.
For more information about this project, please call Tricia Lewis at 928-606-2420 or email tlewis@azdot.gov.
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