What to Expect From an Auto Registration Service
Every state in the U.S. requires you to register your vehicle before taking it on the road. According to Investopedia, the penalty for not registering a vehicle can be hundreds of dollars. Have you taken care of the registration for your vehicle properly? Here’s...
Everything You Need to Know About Auto Registration
Did you know that registering your vehicle with the state is much more complicated than buying a car? You’ll need to obtain several licenses and permits before getting a license plate for your new ride. Before you go out and buy that new car or truck, ensure...
Safe Driving in the Snow
Winter is Coming! As the winter months approach, the chance for icy conditions and snowfall become a real possibility. Driving in the snow, and especially in icy conditions, can be difficult for even the most experienced driver. Here are some safety tips to keep in...
Monsoon Season is Here!
Monsoon season in Arizona officially has begun and runs through September 30th. We have seen drier-than-normal weather over the last few years, so many Arizona residents are hoping for a bit more rainfall during this year’s monsoon season. With rainfall comes wet...
Interstate 17 Improvements Announced
Governor Doug Ducey today announced significant improvements to Interstate 17 north of Phoenix. The governor was joined by the directors of the Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona Department of Public Safety and Arizona Office of Tourism along with business leaders, local elected officials and transportation stakeholders.