A Public Meeting on April 3rd Will Address Options for Improvements to One of the State’s Most Vulnerable Highways

Traveling north from Phoenix to Flagstaff on highway I-17 climbs to the higher elevations of beautiful northern Arizona. The highway is breathtaking, and connects to stunning places like Sedona, the Grand Canyon, Prescott, to name a few,

However, the double lane each way highway can be a nightmare when there is a closure. I-17 is an essential route to northern Arizona and when it’s shut down, many people are affected. Unfortunately, due to accidents and vehicle breakdowns, the busy I-17 is too easily slowed to a crawl or even a standstill.

A public meeting on April 3 will address the concerns and possible options for improvements to one of the state’s most vulnerable highways. Taking place at Cañon Elementary School (34630 S. School Loop Road) in Black Canyon City. ADOT’s I-17 study team will be there to answer questions.

According to ADOT, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration, they have been studying options for adding new travel lanes along I-17, with a focus on the 23-mile stretch between Anthem Way and Sunset Point Rest Area.

Projects to add new I-17 lanes in areas between Anthem and Black Canyon City are currently scheduled for construction in the years 2021-22.

An option also under consideration for the mountainous stretch of I-17 between Black Canyon City and Sunset Point is the construction of flex lanes, a separate pair of new lanes for use in the busiest direction of travel or in the event of a closure.

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

What: I-17 Improvements Study open-house meeting

When: Tuesday, April 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: Cãnon Elementary School, 34630 S. School Loop Road, Black Canyon City 85324

ADOT will conduct a formal presentation about the I-17 improvement options at 6:30 p.m. Residents, business owners and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about potential improvements and to submit comments.

Members of ADOT’s I-17 study team will be available to answer questions. Additional information is available online at azdot.gov/I17AnthemWaySR69.

Those who cannot attend the meeting are invited to send written comments by email to projects@azdot.gov or by mail to ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., Mail Drop 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007.

The ADOT Project Information phone number is 1.855.712.8530.


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